Work Friendly For

Peace Organization


Work Friendly forPeace Organization

Work Friendly for peace organization (WFPO) is a non-governmental, non-political, non- profits, and independent organization founded in February 2012 under license number (2491) by the Afghanistan Ministry of Economy. The organization operate in line with NGOs’ rule and regulation of the Ministry of Economy – Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. and the same time Registered under Reg, number (11) in February 2012 with Afghan Women Network (AWN), at the meantime got Registered with the ministry of women’s Affairs under license Number (417) in February 2012 along with same objective to support Afghan women through the shade light on International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian core principles in Segment of peacebuilding, peace placement, women empowerment, conflict resolution, gender equality and advocacy at the community level.


Completed Projects

Humanitarian Aid During COVID 19

Peace Project Ghor

WFPO had the peace project the celebration of world peace day in the women affairs office’s hall of Zabul province …

Advocacy for Women Rights

WFPO had research on Victim cases r organization and I publication under the name of Dunya women.

Peace Project

WFPO had the peace project the celebration of world peace day in the women affairs office’s hall of Zabul province.


WFPO Background

WFPO, as its name stands, is a group of Afghans to support their own community by involving the community in needs assessment, choice of target, program development, implementation, and evaluation with a focus on an improved sense of ownership and leadership of communities in WFPO activities.

The staffs working with WFPO are the highly qualified ones who have tremendous experience with significant national and international organizations that are implementing community-based peace programs in different parts of the country.


We operate in 8 Provence


Fields of Activities



Development of Afghanistan through supporting the marginalized
groups in the light of human right and law for a better-off living condition.


Peace Building

Development of Afghanistan through supporting the marginalized groups in the light of human right and law for a better-off living condition.



Development of Afghanistan through supporting the marginalized groups in the light of human right and law for a better-off living condition.


Civil Society & HR

Development of Afghanistan through supporting the marginalized groups in the light of human right and law for a better-off living condition.


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